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Posted by admin Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One of Baganga's Famous beaches in Barangay Lambajon

Whitesand Beach Baganga
Balyan Beach in Lambajon

Island Of San Victor

With the long coastline, fishing is a major and alternative source of livelihood to coconut farming. Baganga can boast lobster, clam, and a variety of other seafood. Bagangeños mostly live off the abundance of nature—coconut, logging, and marine resources. Few other business opportunities are available this far from the city. The effects of El Niño have been limited. I experienced lots of rain and not a single brownout during my three days in the town, and this at a time when six-hour brownouts and drought are haunting most of Mindanao.

The visitor will be amazed by the beauty of Baganga, especially at this time when other parts of the country have turned dry, brown and dusty. Baganga remains green and lush. The white-topped waves of the Pacific Ocean keep washing up on the shore. In this environment on a lazy Sunday, a taste of the local version of puto and the crispy skin of lechon makes life seem perfect and trouble free.

Baganga, by the way, has lakes too, ideal for people who like to swim but don’t like the big waves of the sea.


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